Santa Monica Engagement: Silvia + Paul
Silvia and Paul have a special nickname for each other: Twinie. That adorable moniker comes from a connection so deep, an understanding so at the core of their being, that it’s usually only twins who get to enjoy such a level of closeness. It’s something they felt right from the start of their relationship, and it’s led inevitably to the altar.
Though they may be two sides of the same joyous zest-for-life soul, they are definitely two different personalities in how they express that zest. Paul is cool, mellow, upbeat, and kind of quiet. Silvia is a ball of energy. She wears all her emotions on her sleeve, which was fun to capture on the day Jeremy Yates and I took them down to Santa Monica to celebrate their engagement with a photo session that worked its way from a secret location down to the beach. She’d be laughing like crazy one minute, and shedding tears of joy the next, knowing that their wedding was so close.

It's like looking through a tunnel to forever. What? Haven't I told you I'm a huge romantic cheese ball?
Silvia in one of her many moments of break-out laughter.
This is the exterior of a post-production studio on Broadway. 'Both wearing white shirts? Hey, I know a place with a ton of color!'
We found a kite stuck in the sand down at the beach in front of Shutters, and decided to take it for a test flight. *Insert cheesy Drew line about how love soars.*