Visual heirlooms of life

Photo Journal

Drew's blog, showing his latest work, with photos from recent weddings, engagement sessions and portraits.

Beautiful Promise

Ok, I’ve never been to Hawaii, so I’ve not been privy to the amazing rainbows that arc over the islands. But today the post-rain skies and setting sun put together a little light show for us off to the east of our offices.

It was probably only the second time in my life that I saw a complete rainbow connecting from one end to the other like a technicolor St. Louis Arch. Aside from a little sharpening and temperature adjustment, these colors are straight outta ye olde camera.

I was cursing myself for not having my good camera and a 16mm lens on me, so I had to make do with multiple panning shots with my trusty point-n-shoot.20100209-0843

20100209-082920100209-083120100209-0823Check out the second rainbow segment at the bottom right.